2005 Schwing 39x

Pump Status: Sold

Price: $135500

Listing # : 24

Pump Info

Truck Info

Year: 2005 Year: 2005
Make: Schwing Make:
Model: KVM 39 BPL 2525-5 Model: MR
Kit: 2525-5 Engine Manufacture: Mack
# of Section: 4 Horse Power:
Boom Length: 39 Transmission:
Pump Hours: 8162 Transmission Condition: Good
PTO Condition: Good Cab Exterior Condition: Good
Valve Type/ Condition
Cap Interior Condition: Good
Material Cylinder: Tire Front: 75%
Boom System: Tire Rear: 75%
Outrigger: Hub Milage:
Agitator: Hours: 28000
Hopper: Good Milage: 820000
Paint: Good for age Inspection: yes
Remote: 2 remotes Overall: Good
Certificate: Note Truck tuned up and new Cam shaft indecemer 2020
Overall: Good
Note: January 2022 replaced hose beain and cups